Instead of responding to public pressure & collapsing stock, SeaWorld doubles down on captivity. In lieu of taking the proverbial high road (phasing out shows, placing its female killer whales on oral contraception, & leading the way on coastal sanctuaries) SeaWorld pompously announces more captivity, more pools, more breeding, and international expansion.
All Eyes on California
The proposed Blue World Project is a media play. Plain & simple. Rolled out to a live audience with a suspenseful unveiling, complete with rumors planted the day before, & some ball-park figures provided to Wall Street. It was a spectacle, to say the least.
There isn't much information on how the proposed "Blue World Project" would impact the Mission Bay ecosystem. As recently as 2012, SeaWorld was cited & fined for polluting it. Subsequently, its hard to believe that SeaWorld can begin digging a massive hole on city property, with additional water treatment equipment, without due process. This would include environmental impact studies and approvals from regulatory agencies including the California Coastal Commission and the city itself. SeaWorld leases the land from San Diego. Check out this excerpt from Frank Gormlie of the San Diego Free Press 23 October 2012:
SeaWorld is not just any corporate entity. Outside of the thousands of birds crapping in the water, one of the biggest polluters of Mission Bay is SeaWorld itself. Just earlier this year, SeaWorld was fined $6,000 for dumping excessive ammonia and animal waste into the Bay. (See Fox5 video here and “SeaWorld Cited for Exceeding Mission Bay Effluent Limits” in an article by Matt Potter, March 20, 2012 in the San Diego Reader.)
SeaWorld is the largest discharger of water into the Bay and has been a known polluter of the body of water, as the bay has been on California’s list of impaired water bodies for several years as it does not meet the Clean Water Act standards.
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A large proposal that will likely require city & regulatory approval |
If AB-2140 passes, the San Diego "Blackfish puppy-mill idea" will likely evaporate, as breeding captive killer whales would then be illegal. Faced with that, SeaWorld could halt the plans, or even shift the project to Orlando, a site that makes more sense, once you remove the politics.
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Artificial insemination into a young female with ungloved hand |
artificial insemination (AI) of unnaturally young female killer whales, CEO Jim Atchinson told The Today Show earlier this week...
“We make no apologies for what we do and how we do it.” (SeaWorld)
Here's the deal: SeaWorld is banking that this gesture will win it votes in the California legislature, and don't expect quick action. Major construction on Blue World will not begin until after a final vote on AB-2140 is counted. The company may stage a ground breaking ceremony for the press. But one shovel-load does not dig you a 50 foot hole in the ground with added water treatment capability, plumbing & "orca treadmill."
Hence, all eyes on California!
Assemblyman Richard Bloom needs help from a growing coalition of concerned citizens. Consider following Mr. Bloom, and spreading the word about AB-2140. These are live Tweets, from him:
SeaWorld announces bigger tanks but doesn't address captive breeding or harmful shows. What do you think? #orcas
— Richard Bloom (@RichardBloom) August 15, 2014
‘Blackfish’ Director on SeaWorld's Sinking Share Price: It Could ‘Spur Meaningful, Massive Change’ via @TheWrap
— Richard Bloom (@RichardBloom) August 14, 2014
More Education is Needed
The Blackfish Effect will continue to happen. Intermittent airings by CNN, DVD sales, and availability at Netflix & Red Box continues to bring aboard more education & people that wish to end captivity. Some folks hope for the right of "bodily liberty" for "non human persons." These awakened friends add to a growing army of regular people that seek justice for killer whales, an end to poaching, sensible regulation of farms, and more oversight for corporations.
— Khloé (@khloekardashian) August 17, 2014
not understanding Y bigger pools R not big enough? watch #blackfish on @CNNFilms tomorrow night 9pm EST/6pm PT @Voice_OT_Orcas
— carol ray (@carolray_wa) August 16, 2014
@BlackfishLove @CNNFilms owns TV rights in US @NBCUniversal owns film rights in Asia, Italy, Portugal, Central & E. Europe & Latin America
— Samantha Berg (@Sam10k) August 15, 2014
SeaWorld is worried
A critical mass of informed consumers has been achieved, with backlash coming from people & students from all walks of life, as well as both sides of the political aisle. For us, its time to craft the transformational political change we need, and that involves taking on a corporation at the ballot box. The Blackfish Effect needs to be converted into political action.
The animal justice movement is growing with each airing of Blackfish. Thank you Blackfish director Gabriela Cowperthwaite and producer Manny Oteyza.
Its always easier to try and look like the "thing" than to actually BE the "thing." Holding out for real change #SeaWorld #Blackfish.
— GabrielaCowperthwait (@GabCowperthwait) August 15, 2014
Just announced - Amid 'Blackfish' backlash, SeaWorld to expand orca environments @blackfishmovie
— Manny Oteyza (@mannyoprods) August 15, 2014
"Once you see it, you cannot un-see it."
Why San Diego? Yep, It comes back to AB-2140
Considering that the Orlando park is more profitable, sees more visitors, is home for the corporate headquarters, & has cheaper construction costs, you'd think that the Blue World Project would start there. So what gives?
According to this report by WKMG-TV / Orlando, CBS Affiliate, as well as the SeaWorld web page, "The San Diego project is expected to open in 2018. New killer whale homes will then be constructed at SeaWorld Orlando and SeaWorld San Antonio."
Choosing San Diego is a strategic business move. This accomplishes at least five things for SeaWorld:
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An Artist's Rendering of the proposed "Blue World Project" |
1. Shows that they're doing something in response to public sentiment & collapsing stock value
2. This proposal provides cover to vote down Blackfish Bill AB-2140. SeaWorld gives a lot of money to campaigns in California, and politicians are happy to take "donations."
Assemlymen who might buck public opinion & strike down the bill, can now cite "Blue World Project" as an example of how the company is evolving.
To get a feel for public opinion in the state, watch this heartwarming video about three young ladies who delivered 1.2 million signatures to the California Assembly in support of a bill that would ban captive breeding of Killer Whales in the state.
3. It shows Wall Street they're "all in" and gives pro-SeaWorld Voice of San Diego plenty of feel good stories to publish. VOSD hosted a good live debate, but tends to frame SeaWorld's presence in San Diego as a beneficial, economic one, without much regard for the killer whales suffering in captivity. When captivity of killer whales gets reduced to economics, by Wall St, or VOSD, it misses the point. The coverage has been helpful to SeaWorld.
4. The new pool, if AB-2140 is shot down (i.e. SeaWorld gets its wish), will become a #Blackfish "puppy mill" for SeaWorld's overseas expansion. In my opinion SeaWorld couldn't be happier with the ongoing Russian captures (more genetic material), and is looking carefully at opportunities in Dubai, where there is already a large marine life park itching to get some killer whales.
I've written about this with John Jett PhD in a textbook chapter regarding animals in entertainment. We believe that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is gearing up for killer whales, and combined with company statements, will likely get them from SeaWorld. This effort, to breed animals as quickly as possible, is a way to get more animals into places like the UAE, for a hefty profit.
Placing killer whales into a region where temperatures regularly exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit, with little regulation or oversight, is a disturbing thought.
5. It changes the conversation, at least temporarily. SeaWorld has been getting bashed in the media, lately. This is a way to change the subject, for a while (see image of "Blackfish Wednesday")
In general the proposed Blue World Project is a striking indicator that SeaWorld really doesn't get it. It also points to the incompetence of the management team as described in this Dodo article by Keneth Leher. His five points are worth restating:
Assemlymen who might buck public opinion & strike down the bill, can now cite "Blue World Project" as an example of how the company is evolving.
To get a feel for public opinion in the state, watch this heartwarming video about three young ladies who delivered 1.2 million signatures to the California Assembly in support of a bill that would ban captive breeding of Killer Whales in the state.
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Atlantis The Palm was heavily promoting its marine park on Emirates Airlines |
#Seaworld International partners include RUSSIA #ConnectTheDots ==> #Blackfish— clicks n' whistles (@oceanCRIES) August 17, 2014
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Personal Photo. Departing Dubai International Airport. Boeing 777. Emirates Airlines. |
Placing killer whales into a region where temperatures regularly exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit, with little regulation or oversight, is a disturbing thought.
SeaWorld Just Doesn't Get It
In general the proposed Blue World Project is a striking indicator that SeaWorld really doesn't get it. It also points to the incompetence of the management team as described in this Dodo article by Keneth Leher. His five points are worth restating:
1. The SeaWorld brand is now tarnished, at best.
Toxic? Likely. The brand represents the torture of whales for an increasing population of concerned citizens. If you love whales (and who doesn’t), you don’t like SeaWorld.
2. Wall Street has turned on SeaWorld.
The stock is down over the last year by 45% and $1.6 billion in market cap has evaporated. You can sometimes fight City Hall, but it’s nearly impossible to fight Wall Street. And Wall Street is done with SeaWorld.
3. Consumers are turning away from SeaWorld.
Attendance has dropped 4.3 percent over the first 6 months of 2014. It takes forever and a day for consumers to return to a company once they have walked away. And they usually never come back.
4. The internet has turned against SeaWorld.
“Blackfish,” The Oceanic Preservation Society, The Dodo, over 100,000 users on and many other sites have made it their business to actively campaign against SeaWorld’s mistreatment of animals. SeaWorld can’t survive that, plain and simple.
5. Incompetence.
SeaWorld has proven itself totally inept in dealing with one, two, three and four. They haven’t got a clue.
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Get active links to all of these Blackfish Wednesday Headlines HERE |
In summary, SeaWorld really doesn't get it, and hopefully changes can be made in middle & upper management that will improve the quality of the management team & improve the future lives of the killer whales in its care.
"Blue World Project" does not address the issue of broken teeth, collapsed dorsal fins, diminished quality of life, social strife, and shortened lifespans, all of which are caused by captivity.
Blackfish remains a critical tool in a growing movement. Lastly, AB-2140 is the cure for what ails Toxic SeaWorld.
Jeffrey Ventre, MD, is a physician, Blackfish cast member, and former SeaWorld trainer from 1987-1995.
I watched #Blackfish again last night and was as heartbroken as I was the first time. Your blog post raises many concerns for these amazing creatures and underscores the selfishness of @SeaWorld. Thank you for being such a loud voice for the Orcas and keeping so many informed to the sad and dirty secrets of these beautiful whales.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jeff. Lots of food for thought again.
ReplyDeleteSeaworld is delusional if they think they can stop the avalanche that has gained so much momentum with Blackfish. The word is spreading - the arrogance with which they encounter dwindling visitor numbers and declining stock market will eventually break their neck.
For everyone interested: Dr. Rose posted her thoughts on her facebook page:
September 12, 2014
ReplyDeleteThe Honorable Anthony Rendon, Chair
California Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee
Post Office Box 942849, Room 2136
Sacramento, California 94249-0063
RE: California Orca Bill AB-2140
Dear Assemblymember Rendon:
I am writing to express my support for AB-2140, the Orca Welfare and Safety Act as put forward by Assemblymember Richard Bloom.
I support the bill because it provides an end to the captive breeding of orcas in California and their use in performance-based entertainment, while allowing for the rehabilitation of rescued or stranded orcas until they can be safely returned to the wild or to a sea pen.
This is an idea whose time has come.
As much as I sometimes dislike the way that SeaWorld does business, I wouldn’t necessarily want to the see the park closed, or jobs and tax revenue lost. However, I’m convinced that we should somehow begin to make the transition from amusement parks to ocean sanctuaries and sea pens for captive orcas.
As a child, I enjoyed going SeaWorld and watching the “Shamu” killer whale show. As an adult, I have come to appreciate that orcas are too large, too intelligent, too powerful, and too social (family-oriented) to be adequately confined at amusement parks structured for profit.
Frustrated captive orcas have broken their teeth by chewing on gates and enclosures. Their dorsal fins have collapsed. They have died prematurely--- rejected their young---and have even harmed and killed humans.
Whatever benefits have been gained from keeping orcas in captivity cannot offset the loss of four young adults who have been killed by orcas in the marine park industry. Enacting the bill could prevent similar tragedies from happening in California.
After 50 years of displaying orcas for human amusement as well as studying them in the wild, we have learned enough about them to understand that they do not belong in captivity.
Earlier this year, U.S. Representative from California Adam Schiff remarked in a speech to congress, “It’s time to phase out killer whale captivity.”
Assemblymember Rendon – the “Shamu” show has got to go.
Enact AB-2140, the Orca Welfare and Safety Act.
Thank you for taking my comments.
Respectfully yours,
cc: The Honorable Richard Bloom
California State Assembly
Post Office Box 942849
Room 2179
Sacramento, California 94249-0050
The Honorable Adam Schiff
2411 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Rob, this is a fantastic letter. Thank you for sharing it. Has it been circulated or published elsewhere? Thx again.
DeleteI'm so pleased that you like the letter. It's on T. Zimmermann's website and Blue Freedom's website in the comments. It was on another website for a couple of weeks until the pro-SW crowd got the moderator to delete it.
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ReplyDeleteWhat are your thoughts on granting the wish of a terminally ill child who wishes to swim with dolphins?
ReplyDeleteLet's say---for the purpose of discussion---that AB2140 is enacted in California. Would SeaWorld have time to transport their orcas out of the state before the bill takes effect?
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