Friday, January 11, 2013

Blackfish Movie Premieres at Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Institute was founded by Robert Redford in 1981, and his festival has been connecting independent film makers with audiences since 1985.


This year 43 feature documentaries will be screened in Park City, Utah, theaters, and Blackfish will be one of them. The movie was selected from a field of over 2000 entries. 

Many of these films will go around the world and some will earn theatrical releases. As described by Ondi Timmoner at TheLipTV this, "Is the key curation moment for many filmmakers."

The topic of the film will partly examine the tragic life of the captive orca named "Tilikum," which means "friend," and "shows the sometimes devastating consequences of keeping such intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity." 

None of us at VOTO have seen the film, or know much about it. But we do know that footage was collected on land and sea from sites all over the world and over the past two years. Good luck to Gabriela and her film #Blackfish. Meet "Gabby" below...


  1. Cannot wait to see this movie. Hoping it will get the credit that it no doubt deserves, Good luck Gabby!

  2. Replies
    1. MB, agreed. Thx 4 all you do and lets hope #Blackfish is a success.

  3. Will people who have no possible way to go to Sundance film festival be able to see the movie? like I live in a small city in western Massachusetts, how can I see this movie?

    1. Yes. It is our understanding that films like this can be accepted at several film festivals around the world, and many in the U.S.A, the Northeast, and overseas. Hopefully the film will have more success (getting into Sundance is an accomplishment) and will come near to you. There is also the possibility of it getting "picked up" and distributed to theaters, but that is not certain. Thank you.

  4. Hoping it gets distributed, at least to theaters that specialize in Indie/documentary movies. We have two theaters here in the DFW area that show movies of the sort! I can't wait!

    1. Alex, not sure how it works and have no influence, but one film festival worth watching (for acceptance into)is Austin's "South by Southwest." Have heard its a great film festival in mid-March.

  5. I am so excited to see this film! While I believe all captivity is wrong, ever since the death of Dawn Tilikum has been treated like a criminal, kept in the back med pool away from people and other orcas and used only as a breeding machine. This WILD animal is behaving just as he should had he been in his natural environment in the first plafe this would not have occurred. I hope this film gets the credit that it much deserves! For the oceans!

  6. Daniella, thanks for this. We are looking forward to Blackfish, as well. If you are on Twitter, we will be Tweeting photos & blurbs about the film this weekend. Best, jv

  7. This movie looks so interesting. I live in Louisiana, will I be able to see it at some point? I sure hope so. These are such majestic animals.

  8. Hi Missy. Yes, at some point you will get to see this movie. A best case scenario is the movie is picked up and distributed to theaters. A worst case scenario is that it isn't. Any movie good enough to make it into Sundance FF will likely be available in some form within the coming months. It could also come to a film festival near you very soon. You can follow us here for more, or just Google search for news about the movie Blackfish. It is generating a lot of BUZZZzz at this point. Thank you.

  9. I like in England and I really hope I get to see this documentary. I cant wait to hear all about it when you guys have seen it.

    1. Amy, we've seen it and love it. It seems the media does too, based upon the reviews and the deal signed for the films. Looks like it will play both in theaters and on CNN this fall. Thx for the comment (just returned from Sundance FF!)

  10. I am so glad this story is finally coming out and was picked for the Sundance Film Festival.. I wish i was able to see it though out in Orlando... Its a tragic that this happened but it did and Gabby you are a unique person who understands that these are Animals who deserve to be FREE and in the Wild. I do not support sea world at all. I Hope this film comes to ORLANDO so everyone here can understand the sadness within these animals.

    1. Kelli, based upon the deal with Magnolia and CNN it appears #Blackfish will be playing in theaters in Orlando, this summer. Enjoy it. I did.

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